From ub757@freenet.Victoria.BC.CA (Pete Snidal) Mon Jan 31 17:38:19 1994 Path:!!!!!!suncad!freenet.Victoria.BC.CA!ub757 From: ub757@freenet.Victoria.BC.CA (Pete Snidal) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: GROOM LAKE - CONCENTRATION CAMP? Message-ID: Date: 31 Jan 94 22:38:19 GMT Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: Camosun College, Victoria, B.C. Lines: 147 As found on another BBS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO'S AFRAID OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT IN A NUTSHELL; THE SUPER-RICH AND THEIR AGENTS WANT TO ENSLAVE US AND THE U.S. GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING FOR CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES WHEN U.N. TROOPS ARE CALLED TO CONFISCATE THE GUNS OF U.S. CITIZENS. Wondering what's happening to the America we all once loved and knew? Has it ever occurred to you that all the drugs, and crime, the street gangs, the drive-by shootings the lone "crazed" gunman randomly shooting children in the school-yard; is it possible that all of this was planed long ago by an elite group of super-rich banking families whose lust for power is so great that they desire to control humanity through a One World Government, A New World Order? Why are so many Americans and others walking the streets, unemployed, many even homeless, living and begging on the streets? Why are scientific books being written which suggest that AIDS is a laboratory-created disease? Why, suddenly, are those diseases like tuberculosis, polio, etc. which had been "cured" and eliminated, now coming back in a new lethal mutated strains? Have you read how this elite group of world planners met 30 years ago and designed a project called "Global 2000" a plan to create famine, wars, and new diseases so that by the year 2000 the population of planet earth would be reduced by 3 billion people? Yes, there is a world conspiracy so sinister that it is affecting you and all Americans, and it is never mentioned in the media, the controlled press, which is owned and controlled by some of these super- rich families who are attempting to bring about the so-called "New World Order". This is the same new world order that Adolf Hitler talked and wrote about in 1932. "Today Europe, tomorrow the world!" he crowed, speaking of global conquest, Today the cry of One World Planners is; "Today America, tomorrow the world!" Through money control But how can they conquer our America, with its rich heritage and patriotic citizens? Hear is their agenda and how they are doing it: First, and number one is to take away the arms of the people. Next is to take away any means of organizing and communicating so that they cannot form groups or large armies. the next thing is to make them vulnerable. If they are homeless, or if they are without food, they are subject to mass control and manipulation. The next thing is to get rid of the opinion makers, the leaders; the Christians, because they have certain beliefs, principles and values they do not wish to compromise; and patriots, those who vocally fight to defend our Constitution and its rights and freedoms it guarantees to the American people. By getting rid of patriots, the planners will have eliminated any major resistance to the New World Order and they will then be able to tell the remaining people what to do, and they will do it. The Randy Weaver incident in Idaho and the more recent assault on the Christians of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, were planned exercises with planned killings so the event could be used as a reason for disarming the public. Our troops in Somalia are there strictly as an experiment to see what is entailed in disarming the people of that country, going from house to house to confiscate the guns. What is learned in Somalia will be applied when foreign UN troops come to America to confiscate all the guns. Psychiatrist who study those who kill children and others at random with firearms, report memory loss and other symptoms of "brain washing" which suggests there is a plot to use such people as a means to inflame U.S. citizens and demand the government ban all firearms. All the crime you see on television, shows like "Cops" is to show how hand guns are being misused and the "good guys" the cops should be the only ones who should possess them. All of this is part of the scenario to confiscate the guns of U.S. citizens. But can they do it? If they pass a law that says you must turn in your guns, some will do so, however, there are 170 million guns in the U.S. (registered) plus 50 million unregistered, There are 3 million law enforcement officers and military. They fear an uprising protesting the New World Order and are being well trained. Street gangs are making peace and being trained to do house to house search for guns. They will come in the night, wearing black stocking mask. they will loot and pillage as their reward. Helicopters will whisk away entire families for interrogation and probable impoundment in concentration camps or extermination camps. Neighbors will be told to go back to bed, that it is "only a drug raid." Remember those 180 "closed down" military bases? By January of 95 the plan is to have them all converted to prisons and concentration camps. There is very little time left to alert the public. When it all starts coming down, forget calling 911 for the police are in on it too. If our guns are confiscated, so are our Constitutional rights and our ability to defend ourselves from gangs and those who would enslave us. This will help lay the foundation of a police state. Agents possessing guns could also be the Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) and IRS, local tax collectors, welfare agents etc. The plans of the New World Order include recalling our money and replacing it with new colored money, later debit cards and then the identi-chip, (the same used today on dogs and cats for tracing the owners) to be injected by needle into the right hand or the forehead. The chip contains 400,000 bytes of information on you. At the supermarket you simply pass your hand over, or walk through, a scanner and the amount of purchase is removed from your bank account. The chip runs on a lithium battery which is recharged by your body heat. Eventually the chip starts to leak poison into your body; you will endure great pain and agony, with boils all over your body. (remember the "Book of Revelation"?) A new One World religion based on Masonic beliefs will be started. When the U.S. is occupied by foreign U.N. troops due to the "national emergency" the president will call using his "Executive Orders" now in affect, there will be mass extermination of people in the U.S. and worldwide; our wives and children will be sent overseas to service U.N. soldiers in brothels. This is a grim scenario and you have read only a small part of it. What can you do? Get the word out. Inform others, Write letters to your politicians, to the editors of news papers, to talk shows, Send Fax's, use computer bulletin boards. Tell the world you want no part of the New World Order. The names of the global plotters are known; they include the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Sachs, Warburgs, Schiffs, their families and heirs. It includes the Bilderbergers, those who own the Federal Reserve Bank, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission etc. LETS NOT BE SLAVES TO THE SUPER-RICH OR THE POWER MONGERS! LET'S KEEP OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Get the video: America in Peril run an ad, rent a public hall or hotel room and show it to others! For info call: (517) 263-1078. Do it now! Also write Police Against the New World Order. PO Box 8787, Phoenix, AZ. 85066. Send $6.00 for their book: "Operation Vampire Killer: How to drive a stake through the heart of the New World Order." Your very life could depend on it! MAKE 30 COPIES OF THIS CHAIN LETTER AND MAIL TO OTHERS! POST ON BULLETIN BOARDS! MAKE PEOPLE AWARE ==================================================================== Comments? ###